WISHTREND second haul: Klairs, C20 (TIAM) and COSRX

by - May 12, 2017

After another full month of being an awful blogger, I'm finally back (hopefully I'll stick to a proper schedule this time).
If you are following me on Instagram, you would probably already know about this WishTrend haul I recieved last month, and you'll probably know that I ended up buying everything twice by mistake... explains why my bank account started suffering suddenly.

Having dry dehydrated skin can be a struggle during the whole year, but it becomes a real issue during the cold seasons, that's why I focused in this haul on moisturizing products.

So here are products I purchased: (I mean, half what I purchased...)

Last winter, I tried both their toner and cream, and was really satisfied with their effectiveness, that's why I was tempted to try their whole moisturizing line this time.

[KLAIRS] Rich Moist Soothing Sheet Masks: I bought 20 sheet masks at first, there are only 11 left.. this tells how much I already love them right?
You can buy it here
Full review: Coming soon.

[Klairs] Rich Moist Soothing Cream: this cream was my savior last year, and I can say it is my HG moisturizer for winter.
You can buy it here.
Full review: here

[KLAIRS] Rich Moist Soothing Serum:
You can buy it here.
Full review: coming soon.

[KLAIRS] Supple Preparation Facial Toner: this toner is so moisturizing and gentle, you'll love it if you have a sensitive skin, or if you have a hard time finding a good toner that wouldn't irritate your skin.
You can buy it here
Full review: here.

[Klairs] Gentle black Sugar Facial Polish: I'm running out of my Skinfood Black Sugar Scrub , and decided to try this one, and see myself what's the difference and if it's really worth the additional money. (read my post here where I compared them)
You can buy it here.
Full review: here

[KLAIRS] Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream: another addition to my large BB Cream collection... I seriously should stop buying bb creams till I finish the ones I already have.
You can buy it here.
Full review: here.

This brand is pretty popular for its awesome skincare products, so if you don't already know it, you are missing so much.

[COSRX] BHA Blackhead Power Liquid: one of COSRX best sellers.
You can buy it here.
Full review: coming soon.

[COSRX] Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Cleanser: I'm running out of both Purito and Innisfree cleansers, that's why I thought about trying this out even though I already know that it would strip my dry skin of its almost nonexistent natural oils... I'll probably end up giving it to my brother who has an acne prone skin.
You can buy it here.
Full review: here.

And last but not least, [C20]:

[C20] Natural Vitamin C21.5 Enhancing Sheet Mask: I'm a huge fan of C20 serums, and this time I decided to try the sheet masks. I had 30 one in the first place, and I have only 5 left now since everybody I know wanted to try it... ended up giving away most of them. They are really satisfying. (To get an idea about its effects, read C20 serum review here, the mask effects are similar)
You can buy it here.
Full review : Coming soon.

Don't forget to use my invitation code 125028803 to have 5$ off your first purchase or simply subscribe from here, as well as this month's coupon codes that you can find here.

Don't forget to follow me on social media for more updates ^_^ 

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Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Clicking those links before you shop means that I will receive a small commission that wouldn't affect the price you pay, which helps to support this blog.

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